At one with ego

Having decided to begin blogging last night (my spell check is telling me blogging is not a real word… I believe it is so shall continue to use it), tonight feels like a fine time to begin writing down some of the drifting and mindful thoughts that I have, with wishes of connection, egotistically fearful and mildly excited (Edit. excitement has passed before completion).


First thoughts of offering.


As one walks further down this path of enlightenment (one would hope), upon which the illusions of our realities are displayed, where culture is stripped back. As we reveal the crumbling institutions of control and fear, desperately trying to maintain business as usual, fighting tidal waves of information and awareness. As we walk this path, typically it would seem, one will naturally find his or herself feeling a deeper connection and empathy to those on this planet, this planet itself, dare I say even those on any other planet, dimension or wherever one may find themselves within or upon. Increasingly typical even yet are the recurring tales and displays of worthiness of those upon this path. I would like to think not so typical is the desire to address oneself as one, for now this seems limited to these rambles and I hope to be rid of it shortly.

And thus with that said I feel the utmost confidence to offer such dribble, considering the amount of others out there doing the same. Egotistically I am aware that I am far from Harvard educated and as such will be open to attack based largely upon writing skill sets rather than any significant points I may hope to raise. C’est la vie. I like to write, so shall I write.

To the point then. It cannot be helped during this digestion of information, this onslaught of emotion, we become more and more aware of our concious self, with each passing day we reconnect with the spirit, memories of childhood resurge, of a concious soul trying to make head nor tail of the environments around. For many this leads to meditation and inner discovery, and for some still, the adventurers amongst us it leads to explorations of consciousness, with increasing intensities, the likes of Marijuana, Ayahuasca and DMT leading from inner oneness to spiritual breakthroughs.

With all of this, we experience true self, detached from ego, if only for moments we are forever awakened. As our thoughts drift from the subconscious to the conscious, one cannot help but philosophise then about the nature of self, the illusion of ego. If we are to consider the ego to be the culmination of our onlookers expectations, a window display for those we need entertain, are we not then ourselves merely a safety net within the reality of our viewers, a prisoner within ourself? Shall we not then strive to detach from the ego, even when in the presence of those fundamental in it’s creation, should we not make every decision as the decision of self, every act a conscious one, regardless of the realities we may shatter? However else shall we shape reality the way it should be. However else are we going to remember our journey. If we must wake up in this world to be aware of others, why should it be any different reversed? If we do not wake during this journey, how to know we ever experience it at all, is awareness of the journey not the journey itself?


A lot of noise, without much purpose, at least it would seem for now. One day I shall learn to write, for now I shall blog.

“The purpose of life is to familiarize oneself with this after-death body so that the act of dying will not create confusion in the psyche.”


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